
If you're a musician, or general lover and listener of music, you will understand my grief when I tell you I am a pianist without a functioning piano in my life at the moment. It's depressing.

So this is my current outlet for my music musings. I am writing my opinions and reviews on other people's work, creating musical comments on a completely different type of keyboard altogether.

Songs that I find which I like will appear here. I generally tend to veer more towards indie/alternative music, but I won't restrict it to that.

I've actually found that, since starting this blog, I seem to be increasingly writing more and more about indie/electronic music, which I find surprising. This has shown me how my music taste has progressed throughout this last year, and that's really interesting to me. Maybe it will be something different next year.

I'm hoping you'll see a slight difference to the normal music reviewing ways; I'm trying to give you a bit more kind of behind-the-scenes information to the music, a bit more analysis, and hoping that it comes across a bit more like a conversation, more friendly and more personal than normal.

I'm also hoping that you'll have an opinion on what I've said in each post, and I would love to know what you think! Please let me know, there's a comment box at the bottom of each post, it'd be great to hear from you if you've enjoyed yaself. If you don't want to comment, there's also the option to Facebook like the post, recommend it on Google+ or tweet it. Ta :)

You can also see what I'm listening to on my own Spotify:
