Best Bits: Ellie Goulding - Halcyon

Ellie Goulding is one of the few female artists that I actually listen to. This is a bit depressing, as I feel that, as a female, I should really be listening to more women music artists. The fact is that there are not that many within the indie/alternative genre that I actually like. Muh. Ahh well, we'll get there one day. Back to Ellie. She's a great example of a girl who has done it on her own, something hard to come by these days. Her first album was so awesome that she brought out a second version with a couple more tracks on. The first version, Lights, came out in February 2010, and went straight into the charts at number one. In the US, it stayed around the 100 mark on their Billboard chart until July of this year (2012) when it jumped straight up to number one. As of June this year, it has sold over 1.3 million copies. Fair play to ya, Ellie. Courtesy of: This album came out at the beginning of Oct...