Summer Songs

This post will be dedicated to songs that I really wanted to write and post about over the summer, but didn't. Generally because I didn't have time, and by the time I DID have time, the moment had gone and it was too late. Sob.

A nice scenic picture what I took

Biffy Clyro - Opposite

So. As you may know if you scrolled down a bit before reading this, I did a week-long patch of work experience at NME magazine [read about it here]. During that time, we were asked to write reviews of particular songs. We were given a list of 6 and were told to do no more than 3. One of them was this song, and I loved it so much that I didn't write about it for NME, and instead wanted to write about for this. But I didn't have time blah blah. Anyway, here it is:

I just love how chilled out it is. The chorus is stunning, with beautiful harmonies. It's really emotional and moving. Check out the lyrics as well, he's talking about how two people in a relationship have come to realise that the time has come for them to go their separate ways. Sad.

Peace - 1998 [Delicious]

Peace are one of those bands where I just don't understand why people have a problem with them or don't like them. [That's a joke by the way, everyone's obviously entitled to their own opinion.] They released their debut album this year which has done phenomenally, had a tour and played about a million music festivals this summer. So things are going pretty well for them.

It's so Pink Floyd-y it's unreal. But it's still somehow really original. I don't know what else to say. Just fucking brilliant really.

P.S Don't be put off by the fact it's ten minutes long. You won't even realise, and it'll get to the end of the song and you'll feel emotionally exhausted by how fabulous it is.

Foals - My Number

Now this is just a great track, and it would have gone SO well on this blog. Sigh. 
I LOVED Cassius, but wasn't fussed by the rest of the album, Antidotes. But the new album, Holy Fire, seems to be pretty banging, from what I've listened to. ESPECIALLY this track.

It's got this great hooky little riff throughout, and it's just nice and light, with a really open sound. It's fun, but still a classy piece of work.

Temples - Colours To Life

This is another track that was on the NME list, and I did use it for the reviews. I probably wouldn't have written an entire blog about it, but it fits in well with this post.

It's massively psychedelic rock, and you could well imagine your hippy parents smoking some ganj with this in the background. Well I can anyway. Fronted by Noel Fielding's long-lost brother [that joke never gets old], Temples have big things to come, methinks.

Mount Kimbie - Before I Move Off

In my crazy musical fortnight posts, I also talked about going to swanky parties, courtesy of You Need To Hear This (part of VICE) and Stereofox [read about it here]. At the second of these events, there was a secret special guest that was playing, which turned out to be Mount Kimbie. Not a general listener of theirs, I went in with open ears, and rather enjoyed it. It wasn't ground-breaking for me or anything, but I did really enjoy this track.

It's quite abstract, but it's got a good beat and I like the rhythm.

Ellie Goulding - In My City

I deliberately didn't write a post about this song, since I've got quite a bit about Ellie on here already. This song was apparently on her album Halcyon, which I bought, and it wasn't on there... Hmm.

I love the chorus, and it's just a great mix of electronica and pop with a hint of dub. Nice summer listening!

Hunting Grounds - Flaws

It was nice to finally once again listen to some good old-fashioned indie-rock. My music tastes of late have generally been mainly electronically influenced, so yeah - nice to go back to it.

Good song. There's nothing completely different that stands it apart from any crowds, but it is nice to just hear something that doesn't have any kind of electronic stuff in it.

Young The Giant - Apartment

This guy has just got an absolutely beautiful voice. It's got quite a unique tone, which is very pleasing to the ear. I'm also pretty sure this song was on an advert, but I can't remember which one it was on. Probs Ikea or sumin.

It's lovely and chilled out, but not bland. It's got something about it.

La La La - Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith

This is the Naughty Boy of Emeli Sandé fame, and Sam Smith of Disclosure's Latch. Put them together and what have you got? Bibbity bobbi- jokin. A great song is what you've got.

I just think that Sam Smith has got such a beautiful voice. His vocal abilities are incredible, and he can convey such a lot of emotion through his vocals. There's great production by Naughty Boy as well, although his name means that I struggle to take him seriously...

Jamie Cullum - Pure Imagination

Come on, who doesn't love a bit of Jamie Cullum?! And if not, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the very least?! I've loved this song since I heard Gene Wilder's version on the original film adaptation as a child. I thought it was beautiful, but mysterious. Jamie's version was heard by millions of people when it was used over the top of the ending montage after Andy Murray's Wimbledon victory.

Jamie has done quite a few cover versions of different songs, notably Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop The Music", Pharrel's "Frontin'", and "Not While I'm Around" from musical Sweeney Todd, to name but a few. In each one, he absolutely and completely makes it his own. Fantastic.
